Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Storage Containers for Pipe Tobacco

What is the recommended storage container for pipe tobacco?

You're probably finding out that the little zip lock baggies, folder over pouches, and even the tins in which tobacco is sold simply do not keep tobacco fresh for very long.

There are various approaches to tobacco storage and "cellaring", i.e., the long term storage of tobacco. I won't go into great detail here, other than to say that the best way to store tobacco depends on a number factors, such as tobacco type, desired length/time of storage, and financial considerations, i.e., how much you can afford to spend. Here are some basic thoughts and recommendations for you.

Short-Term Storage

Inexpensive plastic containers, such as Tupperware, Rubbermaid, or Ziplock Reusable are easy to obtain and work acceptably for short-term storage. However, plastics and acrylics often have a "chemical" odor that can affect the tobacco over time. If the container has a strange odor, it will likely impart an unpleasant smell or taste to your tobacco. Also, these materials do not trap odors as well and can leave your home/room smelling like tobacco. That may not be a bad thing, but others in the home may not approve!

Long-Term Storage

In light of this, glass is the best material for storing tobacco. Jars made of glass are a bit more expensive, but they are definitely the preferred choice. They impart no odors or tastes to the tobacco, they are not air-permeable, and they are easily washed and reused.

Of course, an air tight seal is desirable. Air acts with moisture to create mold, mildew and other nasty funk. The best jars for an air tight seal are probably "bail jars". These jars typically have a rubber or silicon gasket and a metal clasp that locks down to seal the lid. Unfortunately, bail jars can be quite expensive. Occasionally one can find them on sale for very reasonable prices. I recently purchased some excellent glass bail jars for $2.49 (small size) and $3.99 (large size) each. But either way, it is an investment in protecting your tobacco, which can be quite expensive itself.

Mid-Term Storage

If bail jars are simply too expensive, the next best thing for every day storage, but not necessarily for long term storage, are the standard glass jars often found in stores like Walmart, Kmart, etc. These "push top" jars are made of glass and have plastic or silicone flanges on the lid that create a seal when pushed on. They're nearly air tight (but not perfectly so) and do a great job keeping tobacco fresh for many months. These are the types of jars that I use for much of my current tobacco rotation. They're available in a variety of sizes and are very reasonably priced, ranging from $2.00 to $8.00 depending on size.

Some also like to use standard Mason jars for storing tobacco. These jars are made of glass and have screw-on lids with a gasket seal. These can also work quite well, but the small openings can make it awkward to reach the tobacco.

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