Saturday, September 1, 2012

Smoking Pipe in Cold Weather

Will smoking in cold weather damage your pipe?

Smoking outdoors in cold weather may be uncomfortable, but it doesn't pose any direct harm to your briar pipe (meerschaum is another story; see below). Although it's safe to smoke a briar pipe in cold temperatures, there are a couple things to keep in mind.

First, even though it won't directly damage your pipe, the cold temperatures can make the briar and stem material more brittle and susceptible to breakage. So you'll want to handle your pipe with extra care while smoking in cold weather.

Second, the increased difference in temperature between your lit pipe and the cold air will result in greater amounts of condensation in the shank and stem. This may cause your pipe to "gurgle" while you're smoking it. If so, simply run a fluffy pipe cleaner through the stem and into the shank to absorb some of the moisture; then continue smoking. (Remember, never separate the stem from the shank while your pipe is hot. It will cause the stem to become loose over time.)

When it comes to meerschaum pipes, I do not recommend cold weather smoking. Although it has never happened to me, I have heard horror stories about meerschaum pipes splitting open or even "imploding" (as one man described it) when smoked in cold weather. Even if your pipe didn't blow-up in your teeth like a cartoon gag, the cold temperatures would dramatically increase the likelihood of accidental damage, since meerschaum is far more fragile than briar to begin with.

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